Just maxed out Juliette... 1.94 million to upgrade her on the last step. That's almost 1000 hours worth of collecting her money to earn it all back from the small 200 per hour increase when you don't include the used items, and way more if you do.
Just maxed out Juliette... 1.94 million to upgrade her on the last step. That's almost 1000 hours worth of collecting her money to earn it all back from the small 200 per hour increase when you don't include the used items, and way more if you do.
after finishing all my missions and opening my gift I got 26 kobans has a reward Nice...
So far I'm loving the update. I've upgraded Bunny to her 4th pose so far (love new pose) Also noticed that we got some more battle points, I had 10 and know have 15 (at level 38) Got Lola on my second battle so I'm happy with that. As everyone is mentioning the games a bit lagging but I'm sure they'll get it fixed soon.
When you spent millions on leveling up stats and now they're 1000 each to level up. FeelsBadMan.
Also I don't like that you took away xp from 'trolls' especially now that there are 360 levels to get and only ways being missions(?), arena and story.
Is there a reason why battling trolls redirects you to the map instead of the battle page, like it did before the update? Imo, that's just counter-productive, as it'd increase the load.
Anyways, I agree with the others on the Troll exp, as that's what I'm mostly fighting (For the girls).