Quote Originally Posted by Eversor86 View Post
- there is total 19620 upgrades per stat
- last 1620 upgrades will jump their cost by 20
- last upgrade will cost "only" 212385 which is less than before 2.0, but there is shit tone more upgrades to do
- total cost to raise single stat to max/cap is 1457.836M coins, and thus all 3 will total at 4373.508M
- compared to old ~39.63/118.89M its 37.786 times more
- if one could spent all coins from upgrading pre-2.0 on upgrading in 2.0, one could reach 5250 upgrades per stat
- that would cost 39.704M per stat and thus a bit over 119M total for all 3, and require leveling up to 113 level
- alternatively one could spent all that coins on a single stat, which would let that one to upgrade it 8k times
- that would cost 120.02M coins and require leveling up to 168 level
- if one managed to farm 3M coins a day, farming cash to max/cap single stat would require 486 days
- of course for maxing out all 3 stats that time would triple to 1458 days which is 4 years
- managing to farm 3M coins a day would require playing 24/7 or getting a new troll that would yield 3-4 times more coins/h than Bremen
At level 400, getting 3M a day is actually easier due to the exponential growth in equipment value (which you get from daily missions and contests). It seems very high with the current balance where at our levels most money comes from the harem or battles, but that shifts at some point. Assuming the same pattern continues and it doesn't get rebalanced, the items will be worth enough to cover quite a large chunk of the costs eventually when compared to the harem... Battles will give more as new worlds get introduced, but it will take a lot longer for that to become significant compared to the items. I wouldn't be surprised if we can actually finish maxing stats in less than two years due to that income growth.