Affection system is my reason to register here, cause I just can't handle it anymore and I have to speak it loud somewhere (for obvious reason it wasn't the best topic to pick at social events, so here I am, on HH forum). I'll try to expose my mind clearly, but I'll be thankful for your patience and acumen cause I'm not a native speaker.

Harem Heroes 2.0 made really bad first impression on me, but I have to admit it - It turned out to be quite a fun and I easily changed my mind about it. New economy system works pretty good... except that one thing, affection. That doesn't work at all right now. Amount of cash and time I have to spend to level up girl is just... overwhelming. I have 50 girls in my harem, which means, I guess, that I spend quite a lot of time, trying to get them. And I'd like to hear an explanation, why I'm so heavily punished for it, for being into that game so much. Why people who like playing in Harem Heroes so much that they spend their time to get their harem bigger and bigger, now are paying for it such a price? Was it something bad? I shouldn't do that? Creators would prefer If I would stay with Bunny only?
No? Then f***ing WHY?

There were emotions, now about numbers.

Once at 12h I can buy (and it's not cheap...) aproximately from 200 to 350 aff. points at max. For third level of teacher Deidra I need 10 000 Affection points. That gives, at the best results at shops, around two WEEKS until I reach 3rd lvl with her. And I still have few girls at lvl 1 left. That's literally MONTHS until I'll get it done. And that's before them getting 5 level scale of affection (I assume that every girl gets it sooner or later?). I just... can't imagine, how hard, boring and ugly job would be to level them up to the 5lvl right now, and that is getting only worse when I'll have more girls. That literally kills the fun. Let be honest, HH is title made by humour, sex and girls. Humour and sex are at break right now, until new scrolls will appear. So what should keep us interested, are girls - in other words: making our harems bigger and stronger. And that become literally a huge pain in ass, which is nothing like a fun. I really hope for some change here cause that scares me off much more with every day while I spend a lot of money to barely see any movement at level bar... No joy here.