So here's a thing. According to the newspost on the subject:

"The number of girls that you own in your Harem will now influence the quality of gifts within the market :

The Common items won’t be available anymore if you have at least 20 girls.
The Rare items won’t be available anymore if you have at least 40 girls.
The Epic items will have a chance to appear when you have at least 8.
The Legendary items will have a chance to appear when you have at least 20."

I have 50 girls. Also:

"Introduction of the new legendary gifts:
Flowers (Legendary) 700 affection points for 291,000
Chocolates (Legendary) 950 affection point for 396,150
Bracelet (Legendary) 1200 affection points for 500,400
Lingerie (Legendary) 1500 affection points for 625,500
Some affection items changed as the following :
Chocolates (Epic) : 170 for 70,892 to 250 for 104,250
Bracelet (Epic) : 230 for 95,913 to 370 for 154,290
Lingerie (Epic) : 300 for 125,103 to 490 for 204,330"

Therefore, presumably now the absolute minimum I'd have to spend to buy up the gifts from the store every 8 hours is 834,000, as opposed to the 110,000 or so I just spent under the current system, which was already ludicrously expensive given the pathetic amount of affection increase each item now gives. This is before coughing up for any of the inflated affection level upgrades. What idiot thought this massive increase in outlay (potentially three times per day) was going to make affection more cost-effective?

It seems like the only realistic option is going to be to ignore the shop entirely (for fear of inadvertently bankrupting myself) and relying for affection items on the few scraps I derive from the missions, which I only really did before for the 25-koban full completion reward anyway (and maybe the steadily more-expensive pachinko if I get desperate).

Understanding that this update isn't actually out yet, these numbers in no way appear to be a 'fix' for the problem of affection upgrading being way too expensive; if anything, it'll just make things worse. Come on, devs...