The amount of affection we get from items is laughable, combine that with the increased requirements and it's just a pain in the ass to get anyone upgraded when you've played the game and gotten a lot of the girls, currently sitting at 50 myself.

I get the idea behind the change, in fact the increased requirement for their affection level up is understandable and welcome. But the Gifts that go into it need to do something. Even for a new girl it's pathetic seeing the best green item do nearly nothing to her affection. Even gold items don't feel like they're worth spending the Epic Pachinko rounds on.

I believe that the original values were pretty good and could work well with the new increase in affection level requirements seeing as it stands I'd still need 10 rare lingerie to upgrade one of my girls to the final star. That feels like a pretty fair amount compared to the 33 EPIC lingerie to do the same thing. Maybe even reduce the original effectiveness by 1/4 if that seems too quick. The increased prices to access Pachinko is enough of a gate to keep this from being abused, though the prices in the shop could stand to use a reduction.