I suggested a rework to them, before the latest overhaul, and it was almost completely ignored... Sad really, as they could have so much more, and make so much more, if they would just listen and stop being silly.


Quote Originally Posted by Apochrophage View Post
So, it seems that the devs are more worried about raising crowd funding for new projects, i.e. gay harem, and VR harem. Why not bring back old players, and revitalize the current game?

My suggestions for this:

Lower Koban prices:

Currently, the cost to benefit ratio of $ to Koban in this game is pitiful. It current'y costs $1.50 for a refill of battle points, and $2 for an energy refill. On top of that, it cost's $40 for an Epic 10x spin. Those prices, for what you get are silly. To add insult to injury, it costs Kobans to auto collect the money from the girls you already spent a ton of time farming. If you dropped all of the prices by half, and ditched the pay to collect, or at least make it a one time pay to unlock for 20-50 kobans, you would get a lot more folks willing to pay for these things.

Battle System:

The current logic of the game, as I see it, is this; You progress through the story, to unlock bosses and girls. You farm bosses for girls. You use those girls to bring in money, to upgrade them, outfit them, etc. You want to max their level, and your own, on top of their gear, for better stats. But why? The current in game bosses are laughably weak, so that would lead you to believe that the battle/ranking system is the end focus. You do all this work, to beat other people. However, mojo gained is random, and stats are reduced for the people you fight. If you look up your own stats in the tower, they are lower than what they actually are, diminishing the work you are putting into stats in the first place....

Story -> Bosses -> Girls -> Collect Money -> Outfit girls - Max Stats -> Battle?

As it stands, the battle system/ranking is utterly pointless. On top of the fact that you don't get any additional mojo for beating people who are ranked above you, there is no reward or incentive to ranking in the top. If you want to get people playing and paying, you need to incetivize the ranking system, scale mojo to the ranking of the person you beat, and remove the stat debuff.

Pachinko and Inventory:

We need better options for playing Pachinko, and selling our unwanted items. Having to do some alt tabbing wizardry to expedite the Pachinko game, for winning contests, is very much needed. We absolutely need a x100/x200 Pachinko button, and a way to mass sell items in our inventory.

Having a lock item option, and mass sell option, in the inventory, would greatly improve the QoL aspects of trying to compete in contests.

Options for re-doing story missions, once lvl 40/content blocked:

As it stands, you can't compete/participate at all in contests that relate to spending energy, and gaining EXP, when you are at lvl 40/end of the story. The makes at least half of the contests null and void for those of us who can't spend energy, due to waiting on new content, and almost completely puts us off of the idea of contests entirely. We need an avenue for spending energy and gaining EXP, once you are capped on the story.

Anyways, these are my thoughts/suggestions, and ways that I could see to greatly increase the player base/retention, and cash flow into the game, VS trying to crowd fund additional games.