I don't get it.

I started playing back in September. Back then, I used to get all three story girls within ~40 fights, and I continued to do so for Dark Lord, Ninja Spy and Gruntt. As soon as I got to Edwarda, I hit a road block. She has been level 100 (max) for over a month now and I continue to pour 40 fights a day into her and I still have not gotten a single girl. Same goes for Donatien and Silvanus when I tried switching to them. That's roughly 1200+ fights without a single drop.

I remember when the change happened: There was an event where they brought back some older girls that hadn't seen the light of day for a while, and some new ones (Adelaide, Vashalanor, Liu-Yeng, Greta, all 3-star epics) and I got all four of them in couple of days. Then, after that, the drop rate changed, or something.

Does anyone have a link to patch notes around the time that this event happened? The event was called Epic Days and started in late November.