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  1. #19
    Charm profile, currently level 112. (side note: I've got stats purchased as far as costing 5001, 9501, and 5001 for the next points (don't really know how close to maxed out that is))

    The (level 108) set that the Halloween event gave me has:
    * hardcore/know-how
    * know-how/crit
    * charm/endurance
    * hardcore/endurance
    * know-how/endurance
    * endurance/crit

    Only one piece with any of my main stat. Two with crit as a stat (which is easy enough to be maxed out on without pieces that specifically raise it). And freakin four pieces with endurance (from what I've always seen though, you gain more endurance from an amount of main stat than you gain from having endurance as a stat directly).

    My currently equipped items are a level 53 rainbow legendary plus charm-only epic pieces at levels 78, 80, 80, 89, and 92. I'll easily stick with these pieces over the Halloween set.

    The previous freebie set, the full set of rainbow legendaries, was for level 50 for me.
    Last edited by MuljoStpho; 11-04-2017 at 07:55 PM.

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