After an event with zero luck (Christmas) The new winter event I had Bunny's mom and Hari inless than a day. Wish the Christmas one was this easy.
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After an event with zero luck (Christmas) The new winter event I had Bunny's mom and Hari inless than a day. Wish the Christmas one was this easy.
nope ... no tricks. Just keep fighting and you will get his harem. Only positive thing is that the longer you dont get new girl (events girls and pachinko girls are separate) your chance to get one is getting bigger until you get new girl from boss. Normally you should get one girl from boss per month (on average)
I'm just annoyed that the event girls are not given some priority in the Pachinko game. I'm not about to spend the literal 100's of dollars to get enough Koban's to get all the normal girls so all I can get are the event one. It would seem to me that having the limited time event girls go first would be a no brainer.
Well no. Its there to make some people with your problem actually whale and buy kobans to do what you just said you are not going to do. They just rather have few whales pay them, than many F2P happy, so like all gacha game devs hehe.
Well the dont have priority but you should be more likely to get them (three times the chance of normal girl or something like that) ... but yeah if they made them 100% drop I would be happy but they would not make that much money
I've had events where I got both drops within the first day or two. (Quite a few like that, actually.) Sometimes one takes a bit longer to drop but it seems like that's still within the first half of the event's duration. So far in this current one Bunny's Mom has been refusing to drop for me though. I'm thinking this might end up being Festival Bonny all over again. (I spammed the fight for her in that event who knows how many times a day every day all the way to the end with no luck.)
Only one new girl per month (not counting event drops)? Even with the help of whatever hidden bonus we're getting on future rolls from failure streaks? That sounds slower than it seems like has actually been the case...
Like I said that its on average so you can get more girls (more like you should get one girl MINIMUM per one month if you didnt kick so many kittens that karma realy want to kick your balls). And again since we have some event nearly every month you can get more girls from that too. But since we dont know real numbers its all just guess.
The event before Christmas I got the 2 event girls in back to back battles. Lately, I haven't had any trouble getting the event girls.