Quote Originally Posted by JessieChan View Post
Hello, dear Frelas.

Usually, when you put the '' '' it means you are quoting, yet in this case I don't think this is a quote, not from my post.

Can you say why you think so?

Hey jessie,

Like samrei already said it has to do with ea anwer.
They answered the question why they put a horrible grind in their game, they answered that they did it to give players a sense of pride and achievement(it was actually implented to get people to spend more money on lootboxes to reduce the horrible grind)
The statement was ridiculed to the point of a running joke.
The reason i said that, was less to do with questioning your sincerity and more to do with the fact that you put a horrible grind in the game, jokingly stating the reason for the grind is to give players a sense of pride and achievement.

Harem heroes is a f2p game and putting a grind into the game to get people to spend their money is frustrating but to a certain degree understandeble.
But the grind you guys have put in the game, do not give people a incentive to spend money. Hell you cant even spend money reasonable on affection items.
The pachinko doesnt count because you will get not enough affection items and you get more girls which you never get enough affection items for in the pachinko. But the worst part it that it hurts the whales the most, the people that spend the most money. Making it in my eyes a strange decision.