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Thread: New 5-stars

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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by SamRei View Post
    Of course you don't understand, all your post make that perfectly clear.

    From all your ramblings, that are tl;dr territory anyway, one can get the conclusion, you log in for short times over the course of around 15 hours, which is the only way you can get enough attack on trolls and money collecting done to get to your numbers of income. Maybe you push another of your missions on every log in, although getting your missions done seems to be hard this way, but I'm really not willing to discuss any of your statements at this point).

    That's a big difference to people who might have two timeslots a day for this game.
    Ah, yes, so here we are! The real problem is not that this game requires too much time to play (I demonstrated mathematically that 20 minutes per day are enough). Your real problem is that you cannot connect to the game more than twice per day. But then, that's an issue by the player side, not the game side.

    As a side note, I have a friend who tells me he connects 5 or 6 times per day, and he manages to be up to date with his girls (he doesn't go for 4 and 5 stars either, except Bunny, Red Battler and Juliette). But then, he gets between 4 and 5 girls per month, while I usually get 9+, hence why I have to play more.
    Last edited by Tristelune; 12-04-2017 at 05:45 AM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2016
    OK - Tristelune you're kinda getting the point but not that it's an issue

    If I need to work around a system that's forcing me to log in multiple times a day that's an issue

    Traditionally most games I've played are able to work around a 2 log in scheduled, morning and afternoon, and occasionally a 3rd to tidy up before bed

    That's YEARS of playing dozens of games, not one has penalised me as strongly as this game does

    Take FKG morning I burn all my stamina and my 3 gathers, IF I could log in mid day I may be 2/3 more gathers done, this is a boon and I'm a tiny bit slower but it's not a massive factor, I log in the afternoon, burn stamina and 3 gathers, evening 1 last gather and burn any stamina if needed for over night to ensure none is wasted - sure if I got up at midnight I could get 2 more gathers but I think even a hardcore fun looses 1 or 2 while sleeping

    2 big log ins is enough 3 better but not game breaking, I've done well on my 2.5

    Here you seem to be expected to be able to log in every 2 hours or less

    I judge games on 2 criteria how hungry are you for my time, and money - this one paying feels pointless as the rewards to $ ratio is abysmal, time while its short bursts it's the amount of them - its not a good system for how I feel a majority of players play

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Tristelune View Post
    Ah, yes, so here we are! The real problem is not that this game requires too much time to play (I demonstrated mathematically that 20 minutes per day are enough). Your real problem is that you cannot connect to the game more than twice per day. But then, that's an issue by the player side, not the game side.

    As a side note, I have a friend who tells me he connects 5 or 6 times per day, and he manages to be up to date with his girls (he doesn't go for 4 and 5 stars either, except Bunny, Red Battler and Juliette). But then, he gets between 4 and 5 girls per month, while I usually get 9+, hence why I have to play more.
    Here we are again, I really shouldn't even bother answering you at this point, but I think I should make some stuff clear

    First, you demonstrated nothing, your spirit maths is far away from any demonstration. Like every online game with energy refill over time, a good planned schedule can give you extra ressources, that's nothing new, special or impressive and didn't need a long explaination.

    Second, I CAN lock in during the day, even from work, it's not about me, it's just that you don't make any sense, keep patronizing other people and are way to stubborn to see how far away you are from "normal" people. This game should be way more casual, it shouldn't be work, it's not like you are in some competition here.

    Also, nobody cares about what your "friends" do, in the end it's a sample size far to little to have any meaning. Either way, the amount of ingame cash you need for 5 star girls is way to high, none of your "20minutesadayI'msoawesome" posts will change that.

    That's my last answer on this one, good day and good riddance.

  4. #4
    Anzian Guest
    The two main problems in this game, as I see it, are:

    1. The scaling, or actually the lack thereof.
    Affection and stars are on a scale, while the income is not, which will increase the gap between available income and funds needed to buy affection and stars. For stars 1 to 3 it is still doable, but stars 4 and 5 destroys the balance.

    2. The waiting game!
    This is actually the problem that makes people leave the game! When waiting for the next part of the quests, there is nothing to use energy on, which is a problem. Just logging in to battle a bit and collect cash from harem get boring really fast. Also, many contests needs us to use energy, which we can't!
    So having something to use energy on while waiting is much needed. Preferably something that gives a bit of cash to help with the scaling problem and bring balance in things again.

  5. #5
    It does feel quite intimidating to see how much credits are needed to improve the affection levels. And yes, it does feel, well, stupid to not be able to spend energy on anything. That equals income and experience loss. Highly irritating.

    One more thing I have not understood is why, when buying gifts, it matters none how much you pay. All gifts give the same ratio of affection points per income spent. It'd make more sense, in my opinion, to get more when you pay more. Pay one for one, two for three, something like that.

    And to beat a dead horse: please, for the love of god, do something about the odds of getting new girls when battling bosses. It is insane to grind for the duration of an event and have nothing to show for it. It really can't be that difficult to take into account the amount of times the player has battled to improve the odds.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by slaanesh View Post
    And to beat a dead horse: please, for the love of god, do something about the odds of getting new girls when battling bosses. It is insane to grind for the duration of an event and have nothing to show for it. It really can't be that difficult to take into account the amount of times the player has battled to improve the odds.
    Yeah it sucks that event girls are so random. Usually I get both event girls within the first week, but this time I didnt get any so far. Given that you basically have to pay for each try as earnings from event trolls usually are 20-50% of what you would earn from your highest boss. So going through two weeks without any success just means that you lost multiple millions for nothing.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    East EU
    Actually weakest troll gives just a bit over 10% of what you get on average from actual best troll :].

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