Quote Originally Posted by MuljoStpho View Post
I hadn't noticed that there was any method to the contest group matching. I thought it was completely random.

Anyway, my thoughts on the tower ranking system have been that it probably ought to have been overhauled to effectively become like a longer version of the contests. Award mojo from more sources throughout the game. Tower might still be the place for the most reliable mojo earnings rate with the arena as a so-so backup, but let there be some mojo to earn from trolls, contest results, and whatever else (girls gaining affection / xp / levels?) as well. Then set a schedule like once a week or once every two weeks (or however long they want to make it) for the tower to reset, with prizes for placement in the global listing and in your country's listing.
That's a good idea so people won't do Mojo abstinence. Rank/Mojo should be reward some way, not penalty.
But I'm sure Contests pool is not completely random. As when I am new, most of competitor are inactive or easy to deal with (since I active play than them). I always win all 3 and got 44x3. Now when I rank up it give 52 (25 for 2nd-4th).

And I play 2 of them in a game - try to re-roll avatar. There are time when main account rewards are 52 (all 3 contests), and another account are 44. And when it is rank up, they even in the same pool once with same amount rewards.

So what I know are:
1. The pool is 'the pool' if you are in the same pool you have exact same set of competitor.
You are 'A' fight with 'B', 'C' and 'D'
The guy 'B' will fight with 'A', 'C' and 'D'; not 'A', 'X' and 'Y'
2. All contests has the same amount of Koban reward.
3. People on the same pool get the same amount of Koban reward so there's some rule to decide Koban reward for sure so that logic forward to the competitor pool as well.
4. The rewards are depend on Mojo. As you rank up, Koban goes up. But it is a bad idea to rank up as of now. For example, you got 44x3=132 Kobans at low rank. But when you are in higher rank with 52 Kobans reward, you can only win some - 52+25+0 or 25+25+25 or 0+0+0. Very less than before Kobans. The fight is also very hard.
5. The pool depend on rank at some degree and I think it is high ratio. Otherwise, that lv108 should not in the same pool with me and get only 52 Kobans.