Well yeah the price for kobans is crazy but other alternatives like patreon or monthly card are not that bad ... and you get lot of kobans free for playing (contests, missions and so) ... and guess what ... they need to make some money too to continue so dont expect them to give you everything for free. Most of players manage to get both girls just fine and since they are adding new events and those 7 days long are just revivals I dont see point to complain about that. Just be glad that we have a chance to get old girls again and are not fucked like in lot of other games where when you miss event you will never be able to get them again. And about the "fuckup" of the game ... yeah we need more money income but that PvP rework and other suff that they told us in last news should fix ti (the only question is when will it be so we can see if it helps or not)