Personally, I don't see what all the whining is about. The devs are simply giving us another chance to get girls we may have missed from prior events. It's not like they HAD to do so. If you don't get both (or either) of the girls, then better luck next time because that does sometime happen. Most players do all the missions daily anyway, so they not only get extra kobans for doing the mini-event missions, they also get a gear set at the end.. If you get something that isn't good for your specialization, then sell it and (oh wow) some extra cash you wouldn't have gotten otherwise. I sold every piece of mine from the Halloween mini-event and didn't even blink. We're still getting a new event pretty much every month, this is just a little something extra. If I were going to complain, my complaint would be that the girls drop from Dark Lord and Gruntt, so my cash income drops considerably during the events. I'm not even complaining about that, however, since it allows the newer players to have a shot at them as well. I would like to see them add the old "mission" girls to the Epic Pachinko during these mini-events though, and not just during the big anniversary event.