Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Last time it was 3 rares and 5 epics, now after the shop reset, the count is 3 commons, 2 rares, and 3 epics. Yay, I guess no more leveling affection easily... Game is back to what it almost was Pre 2.0. Thanks for the update!

The last shop update, before the latest game patch, had 3 epics and 5 legendary affection items, btw.
Woops, looked at wrong thing (exp vs affection items). Have flu + bronchitis and havn't slept in almost 2 days.

Current affection page has 3 rare, 3 epic, and 2 legendary this time. Considering you won't use the rare affection items but at the very END of leveling a girl, even if it was important, why are there so many rare affection items. If you JUST HAVE TO HAVE those rare ones, with a harem over 50 now, (I'm at 67), then put a maximum of 1, I repeat, ONE rare item at a time in the shop. Those of us with lots of girls have ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR RARE AFFECTION ITEMS ANYMORE, and having maybe ONE rare item in there should satisfy the OCD idiots.

Unless the overall plan was actually to increase the time it takes to raise affection, yet again.