Quote Originally Posted by JustMe View Post
If the lower level items have to be there, why not make it:
at least one legendary
at most one rare
Solve the problem for other players? The epic items aren't cost effective compared to the legendary. I'd be happy to see those limited as well.
with the current changes I seem to get like 1-2 legendary affection items PER DAY at best, that is insane, they should make it 4 legendary items, 2-3 epics and 1-2 rares
with the current update I am basically forced to stack money because I cannot spend enough money on affection because half of my shop is low value stuff
right now the combined affection value of all items in the shop is 1860 for me - that is barely more than I can get from a single legendary lingerie. to upgrade even one girl from 2 to 3 stars is ~10k, for 5 stars it is even more. who thought that was a good idea...