Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I get that they are trying to make it less pay to win but all that really does is fuck new players and free to play people. They didn't nerf the older mono legendaries, they simply made the new ones suck. So, what if people are sitting on lvl 400+ or 600+ mono legendary sets? With a 20% decrease roughly of their stats you won't ever be stronger than them.

It feels like anytime they have a semi good idea they kinda fuck it up by not balancing the past ranks for arena or items we already own because they don't want to upset the whales and people who spent real world money.
First, there are no lvl 400 nor 600. Few days ago, highest level in game was between 230 and 240.

The devs explained they didn't nerf the legendary equipment already possessed because
- they couldn't do it safely without spending a very long time on this
- it would have been unfair for those players who have them

They acknowledge it's a problem, but we cannot draw hasty conclusions, here: in a few days, the battle mechanics will be revised. The importance of secondary, tertiary and crit stats will be readjusted. Main characteristic will lose its edge. So that should partially balance it all.

For the rest, well, these OP items will become obsolete after a few months, so... The lucky players with one of them will have a small edge for some time.