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  1. #1
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Other things that the OP didn't mention, purposely or not:
    - now you don't have to chose between fighting trolls and ToF: former PvP can now hunt for girls, and former girls' hunters can try themselves with the PvP. I think it's a massive benefit for the vast majority of players, who can diversify their gaming experience.
    - now you can have items from your daily missions. Even white equipment has more sale value than the yellow mission money rewards. And you can get plenty of rare affection items, which have buying value ranging from roughly 16,000 to 40,000. So, net benefit here as well.
    - epic books in store, although that one feature is not really changing anything in the game, imho.
    point 1: pvp is strictly worse then before, everybody who did pvp for either mojo or XP can not do it anymore as XP and mojo gain got reduced drastically and i hope you can understand that they didnt care about girls/money in the first place otherwise they would have sticked to trolls from the start. you only benefit from the new system as pve only player as you have extra pvp and very likely most people are higher rank than you hence you get more mojo - and even here you have to grind up levels and eventually will only get a slight increase. BEFORE you had the choice to either go for xp/mojo or money, now you have no choice at all
    point 2: 'plenty of rare affection items' - I got maybe 2 rare affection items since release. you also seem to have a very twisted perception on money gains in this game as the changes to the rewards are barely noticeable compared to your overall income, yes it is a plus, but lets be real a reward increase by <5% compared to the previous system does not really matter
    point 3: if you would have actually read my post entirely you would have seen that I talked about harem level and that it does not matter after a certain point, because the formula includes the square root and even with basic understanding of math you would realize that it means the higher your level the less value you get from them and 2-3k extra HP in pvp are barely noticeable (in reality the difference of harem level is <500 hp which is not noticeable at all with health pools of far over 50k even at lower levels)

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by wthvr View Post
    point 1: pvp is strictly worse then before, everybody who did pvp for either mojo or XP can not do it anymore as XP and mojo gain got reduced drastically and i hope you can understand that they didnt care about girls/money in the first place otherwise they would have sticked to trolls from the start. you only benefit from the new system as pve only player as you have extra pvp and very likely most people are higher rank than you hence you get more mojo - and even here you have to grind up levels and eventually will only get a slight increase. BEFORE you had the choice to either go for xp/mojo or money, now you have no choice at all
    Fair enough. But these players who prefered to give more importance to ToF can now develop their harem too. That's the point of the game, after all. ToF until now is more like a pissing contest (especially since it was plagued by the "alpha girl bug" until last week).
    I think that, on a gameplay level, it's much superior to be able to play to both features (PvE and PvP) instead to chose one or the other. Games need to propose choices, but the choice shouldn't be to chose between a huge part of the game or another huge part.

    Quote Originally Posted by wthvr View Post
    point 2: 'plenty of rare affection items' - I got maybe 2 rare affection items since release. you also seem to have a very twisted perception on money gains in this game as the changes to the rewards are barely noticeable compared to your overall income, yes it is a plus, but lets be real a reward increase by <5% compared to the previous system does not really matter
    You've been unlucky then. For a week now I have at least 2 rare affection items with missions.
    Also, the fact that it's barely noticeable is irrelevant. A "+" is a "+". Small rivers make the larger rivers.

    Quote Originally Posted by wthvr View Post
    point 3: if you would have actually read my post entirely you would have seen that I talked about harem level and that it does not matter after a certain point, because the formula includes the square root and even with basic understanding of math you would realize that it means the higher your level the less value you get from them and 2-3k extra HP in pvp are barely noticeable (in reality the difference of harem level is <500 hp which is not noticeable at all with health pools of far over 50k even at lower levels)
    Yes, and if you read mine, you notice I speak about books as a distinct feature of the latest update. I also mentionned that it doesn't change much in the game, exactly because of the calculation of the harem level.
    For the record, i'm bordering 18,000 for my harem level, so I'm very aware of the limited impact it has.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    For the record, i'm bordering 18,000 for my harem level, so I'm very aware of the limited impact it has.
    You must have a crap load of girls at pretty high lvl, around 200 or so, or either almost every girl in game at moderate level. My girls are all at lvl 175 (I'm 178) and my Harem's level is only 13,475. You'd be already be well over 20k if you had both.

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