Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Well, I'm not wrong about it actually happening to me. Also, I'm not wrong by asking was it happening to anyone else due to my own personal results and observations. I HAVE only seen one piece of legendary equipment in the market since the Feb. 7th patch, and that was about a week and a half ago. And after the patch on the 21st, there have been no commons in the market, either. So clearly something has changed. Different results are being observed other than what has occurred since the 2.0 patch up to the patch on Feb. 7th.

Also, I actually mistyped the date in the first post. Sorry about that. I kept reading the date in the patch notes as written 7/2, which I read as July 2nd, instead of 2/7, which I read as February 7th. It's what I get for typing all that after first getting up in the morning.
legendary equipment in the market is super low. it literally drops like once every few weeks on average. ever since HH2.0 was released I have not got a single legendary item that was solo statted for my specialization and maybe 1-2 that were rainbow statted. not sure why you think that legendary items drop every couple days - they are super rare (i can not even recall the last time I had one in my shop)