I've been playing for nearly a year now. In that time, I've been lucky enough to have every event girl and revival girl drop. When this "legendary" girl was announced, the first thing that went through my head was "Cash Grab". I'm kind of surprised that the dev team would intentionally screw up the balance of the game since whoever is lucky enough/has enough cash to get this "legendary" will automatically have a leg up in Arena/Tower of Fame. Personally, instead of this, I would like to see them ease up on the events and focus on working ahead on the story/quests. I have 83 Haremettes and with the events and revivals adding new girls (not to mention the constant additions to Epic Pachinko) constantly, I can't even get close to raising the cash to raise the affection. I'm working on 14 million to raise Noemy (at slot 15) to 5 star, so I'm terrified to see how much it's going to take to raise Lenaelle to 5 star in slot 84 (or higher).