I admit, when I first saw the new legendary girl I was excited. I love getting new girls and especially ones that break the "meta" when they're maxed out. Then I heard I would only have a few days to actually get the girl and my heart sank. I am a pretty unlucky individual. No, I'm not saying this as a "boo-hoo, poor me" kind of thing, I'm saying it as someone who has spent the vast majority of their life (27 years) getting their ass kicked by RNGsus. I never guess numbers, I rarely get above a 10 when rolling a d20 for D&D, in fact I get more nat 1's by far than nat 20's (yes I did test it, many times), and I always somehow wind up on random teams that either have scammers, spammers, leeches and trolls. Yes, I am a sample size of just one, but I'm one that has spent more than a quarter of a decade as a loser.

Then, just over a year ago, I found this game, and the strangest thing happened. I started actually winning. Progress was slow, but very definite. Event girls were a pain, but very achievable. The story, while cheesy and plagued with the odd typo here and there, was fun and enjoyable. I was having fun. Then the drop rates were adjusted. That's when things started sliding down hill for me. Things were still achievable, but suddenly much less so. I went from "having fun" to "kinda enjoying myself". It was okay, sure it took longer to get some girls now, but inevitably, if I kept at it, I was guaranteed to get them instead of having to rely on static RNG.

Then I learned that event girls did not share the incremental increase, but did share the nerf in drop rate. Not only that, but the incremental boost wasn't shared between bosses. Suddenly I wan't enjoying myself, not even a little bit. This game became work. Now I don't mind the grind, I do WAY more than that in single player RPG's like Legend of Dragoon, Lunar 2, even Final Fantasy because I like to build up to a nice level (or get the cash for the cheaty bracers early in the game in the case of LoD), that way I can coast through the rest of the game and enjoy the story. But this was different. In the case of the other games, progress was slow but was still evident and rewarding. In the case of this game, since the updates, there was only the illusion of progress. Yes, there is definite progress for individual bosses for individual girls, but at a certain point you're going to get all of them. Then there's just the event girls. Suddenly all of that progress has ground to a complete halt, and it's back to RNG, only worse now because your chances are less now than they were before. But it's okay, there's 14 days in the standard events, surely you can get both event girls in that time right? And as for the revival, there's always next year.

But this is different. The time crunch is real, you only have a few days. Even with the cost of fights halved, you're still getting less tries overall as the recharge time went up disproportionately. And this time, there is no next year. If you miss it, you miss it. Sure you could dump cash into the game and possibly get her from Epic Pachinko, but what about those of us who don't have money to do that? What about those of us who don't have all of the Epic Pachinko girls? What about the people just starting out? What about those of us who are simply unlucky? Now suddenly all of those people, myself included, are at a stark disadvantage, not just in the arena but in the game in general, because all of these small minor issues managed to come together in this perfect storm that can, and in many cases will, drive away players both new and old. Now, I really like this game, I truly do. It's a good combination of smutty and funny and grindy and fun. All of the above things have caused me to consider taking a break for a while, but I never did because I like this game so much. But this might just be where I have to draw the line and walk away.

I know it seems a little early for such talk, we're only a couple of hours into the event after all. But this is different. This changes everything. The people who get this girl WILL dominate in the arena. They will have a stranglehold on the upper tier, at least until the next legendary girl comes out when other people MIGHT have the chance of challenging them, and even then only if the first group doesn't also get the next legendary girl as well. This event will set the tone for the rest of the game going forward. And sadly, it might not be one I'm willing to put up with.