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  1. #1


    OK if some developpers spend some time here are my 2 cents:
    First of all : When you have those kinds of drop rate, you know people will use kobans free or not,
    so please, respect us. And don't reset the EP counter to 30:00 when you fill up with kobans.
    It's like saying: you are paying fore more fights, you don't have the right to get the free ones because u spent the 20 points in 2 min and your counter will virtually go back to 30 min every 2 minutes. You pay? ok you get punished. LOGIC

    Second point: I would like to ask another system for the drop rate, but you have already change it few times ago so I will just sh** up. ( and no need to be programmer to understand that you can put a maximum number of fights to get the girl, but if you lower the drop rate at the same time it's not gonna change anything but the request would have been don't worry we all know those kind of tricks )
    Considering that you have to click once on the boss, once to start the fight and once to end it faster, just put a maximum fight number where you cannot lose anymore ( even if I ve said the opposite just before, like really, after a certain amount pf tries the player just deserves it.). I mean as far I'm concerned I needed around 1200 or 1300 fights, generated several millions of dollars just by beating Dark Lord, what about some few xp points whatever your level and thanking the player for the 3k6 -3k9 clicks he had to do and give him the girl at something like 900-1K fights.
    I mean just in order to get some players able to play again once they get the girl you see... (not like lots of players will leave after this event will due to the ragequit so take care of the other ones at least ? )

    Indeed I don't know for you guys but I'm hardcore, and this girl was a must have in order to keep on to exist in tower and contests now Lenaelle 5 stars is out, meanwhile devs implement the next world and the next girl -which is supposed to be hardcore?- ( and so have the right to expect to get those kobans back, investments, all that, if you know what I mean...)
    I don't regret my kobans, better have her than 2 or 3 random girls in epic pachinko due to her stats. So now to have right to survive in the game (because there is no pleasure to have no chance to win when you play I think ? Am I right guys ?) you have to pay in kobans ? Ok, Then I thank God that the next Legendary girl (if there is any) would be for the other classes. Like this I would have the time to save free kobans again...

    TLDR: dear devs do something to improve the game experice about those kind of events... Even if I probably have been very unlucky with my 1200-1300 fights, it's not grinding anymore and just more discouraging than anything else. Good luck to the last tyharders who would read this before the end.

  2. Sorry to here that so many went all in on this event can came out with nothing to show for it. I got the girl this time but last event I came away with nothing. My friend scored both of the spring revival girls last event with only one refill used, this event they dropped 400+ kobans and came up dry.

  3. #3
    So what's the deal with her? The scenes aren't any special. Her main stat is slightly higher than Samane or Abrael, but secondaries are lower, and they claim that they will increase the importance of secondary stats soon. Besides, she's hardcore, which had no good girls previously, so it's all fair.

    So what's with the huge hype, especially for those who don't plan to switch their primary stat?

  4. #4
    XtXX Guest

    I'm out ...

    After this scam event i'm out, have fun everyone

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