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  1. #1

    dear developpers : the drop rate is too damn low

    playing on nutaku server :
    starting the even between 4k2 and 4k3 free kobans
    had 15 EP in order to prepare that girl
    almost never wasted free EP
    you can have one EP every 30 min, 24 hours perday so 48 EP per day so 4*48= 192 fights during
    won 2 EP in missions almost every day
    get 25 free kobans every day from daily missions (so 100 kobans more)

    I'm actually at 2335 kobans so I have spent something like 2k free kobans to get her just now and that's why I am writting.
    a full EP bar cost 36 kobans (free kobans or not)
    here comes the maths time : 2000/36 55,55555555
    55*20: 1100 fight + 15 of prepare + gonna say 150 of the 192 free ones (in order to be large no body can have the 192 atm)+ the free ones
    so I'm probably around 1300 fights

  2. #2
    Unregistered Guest
    This event is terrible. I don't mind the idea of the legendary girl but the goddamn time restriction is unbelievable.

    I went into this with a full bar and have not allowed my energy to max out since it started. I've reloaded it with Kobans at least six times because we JUST came off another event that encourages Koban spending for the girls. I had maxed out Dark Lord's level BEFORE starting this event. Dark Lord has no one to drop other than the legendary girl. I have had to deal with his shit cash drops while I have other girls to upgrade. There has been nothing in the way of free Kobans through missions like the events have. And I am going to end this with absolutely nothing to show for it.

    Three fucking days of this shit. This is the kind of thing that makes people consider leaving. Shit rewards from a low level boss and not even a goddamn affection item pool added to make this slightly better.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest


    Long time played and spender. Four days of total disappointment. I am known for how patient I can be but after hundreds of attempts with ZERO success my patients has long been spent. If the devs game als were to reduce the number of active players they have then I can say it was a huge success as many players will not likely return to be subjected to this form of torture ever again. I will take my monthly mobile game spending to something else.

  4. #4
    Unregistered Guest
    I'm in the same place. Three days of fighting Dark Lord with nothing to show for it. Haven't let my energy bar max out since event started, spent all my kobans on recharging. Quite annoyed. Given it's a legendary girl, something like completing a series of daily missions like the normal event girls makes more sense. Or increasing the chance of drop for each time failed. As it stands, something that should have been exciting, the introduction of a new legendary girl, has just left me feeling annoyed.

  5. #5
    Unregistered Guest
    Guys, you may now "congratulate" me as I m officially run out of energy to fight the dark Lord and Not getting levitya.

  6. #6
    Unregistered Guest
    Just found this in the other forum. Where are people getting all these features of the game that have never been posted in any patch notes? Was this yet another Discord only discussion?

    "The devs added a punishing rule for the drop rate(to make the game more interesting). Every girl you get after the 50th(or was it?) will reduce the chance of another one dropping(this excludes event girls). Presumably this should balance out as the drop rate of a boss increases with each fight that it doesn't drop a girl. In short the game became more grindy. So in summary you will win 1 girl per month(or at least that's what i've experienced since the change was implemented). This though excludes the event girls minus Levitya. So keep grinding until it drops what you want, but be prepared to wait up to a month for a new boss girl."

    http :// forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/4247-new-girls/

    So still think the drop rates weren't lowered and it's all RNG? I'd bet that Levitya really isn't a regular event girl, so she uses the drop rate rules for regular girls. So that is probably why newer players seemed to have a better chance at getting her during the 4 Legendary Days, and why it took long time players, 650, 800, 1000, and even 1300 tries. But you see lower players getting her in 100~150 tries.

    If the Devs really did add a drop rate rule just to punish those who actually do play their game long enough to collect more than 50 girls, then I am glad I am quitting after this fiasco. I didn't know that and never thought something like that would happen. Damn, Devs, way to alienate your most loyal player base. I've been playing for over a year now, with a level of 205, with 103 girls, but after this supposed legendary days sham, I will never play this game again, especially if the above is true. No wonder I've gotten no drops in the last 4 events, including the legendary girl which really isn't part of an event.

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