This event is terrible. I don't mind the idea of the legendary girl but the goddamn time restriction is unbelievable.

I went into this with a full bar and have not allowed my energy to max out since it started. I've reloaded it with Kobans at least six times because we JUST came off another event that encourages Koban spending for the girls. I had maxed out Dark Lord's level BEFORE starting this event. Dark Lord has no one to drop other than the legendary girl. I have had to deal with his shit cash drops while I have other girls to upgrade. There has been nothing in the way of free Kobans through missions like the events have. And I am going to end this with absolutely nothing to show for it.

Three fucking days of this shit. This is the kind of thing that makes people consider leaving. Shit rewards from a low level boss and not even a goddamn affection item pool added to make this slightly better.