Battles are hoping that RNG won't give you enemy with 10k more ego than you, getting girls is hoping that boss will give you the girl or Pachinko will pay out, events are hoping that you'll get that event girl before the end or that, again, Pachinko will pay out with exact girl you want (900 spin can give you generic boss girl, so no point in trying, except RNG), this new event is about who have bigger luck or wallet, tower is just about who have more Kobans on recharges, gifts are overprices, so you can get higher aff girls, by more luck in money-giving activities...

Kinkoid, i'm actually impressed. You're literally changing game into casino - you win by luck or money. And here i am, hoping that you won't change into Pussy Saga. But i think i'm gonna give up, you don't care about players anymore, just the money they have. Good fucking job