I maxed out Roko Sensei a long time ago, as per Finalmecia before that. I am still awaiting last girl to drop from Finalmecia but have 2 of 3 from Roko Sensei after countless battles. Last girl from Bremen also was well after maxing out Finalmecia.

After 3 days in 2nd Anniversary Event I have NO girl drops from well over 150 battles with Roko Sensei having 16 girls sitting there waiting to drop. Happy Birthday suckers?

In messages they have said they plan to adjust drop rate but nothing has happened as they sucker everyone to forget about drop rate with weekly Tower of Fame rewards. If one spends every single combativity point possible 24/7 within an event time-frame and some on top (I convert many of my kobans won in activities and from monthly card to combat points also), a NO girl drop is just plain offensive.

It is mind-numbing to do battle after battle with no progression possible and no girls dropping to change earn rate. Especially with the ridiculously small amount more to earn from Roko Sensei bouts than Finalmecia bouts, just 3000 more.

It is a FREE game to play but an expensive game to succeed at. Expensive in both time and money.

Sometime better change soon even if just a heads-up on their next proposed changes.