As the title said I seem to have some issues with girl drop rates.
After the last story map was launched I started to farm the new boss for the 3 girls, because I already have all the other story girls.
I got Venam on the first day and Noomye after a week, that was before May 1st. So after almost 2 months I'm still unable to get Mavin.
I spent all the energy on fighting the last boss, not even once in this 2 months my energy capped to 20, I used every point on getting this girl and still nothing. Then you added the rarity system and I was thinking that maybe because Mavin was rare and the others were common, you probably made the higher quality girls drop less, if that's the case the this is stupid. If rarity has something to do with the drop chance than I start to wonder if anyone will get the next legendary girl without paying around 2-3k kobans ( I used ~500 on the last legendary girl).
You ( the devs ) said at some point that you added a system that will reward you with the girl after ' x ' numbers of fail attempts, clearly this is not the case, so if that was a lie I wonder if this game is still worth my time.
I am tired of wasting my time and money on this game, you probably want us to spend kobans on the story girls, well I'm not gonna do that.
I've been playing this game for almost 2 years now, I've purchased more than a few kobans because I wanted to actually reward the artists that are working on this game for a job well done, but after so many money hungry changes in the last months I think I finally reached that point when I say enough is enough. I'm not gonna spend ~100 $ for every event girl you add.
If nothing is going to change in the next month I will probably move on to another game.