For me, it's like every third event I might get a girl to drop. I might get lucky and get 2 out of that 1 event, but all other events - nada, zero, zip no matter how hard I try.

Also, Donatien and Breman are just stubborn at dropping the common girls. Sheesh!! It's fitting from a story perspective, but come on! This is brutal! Gruntt was similar - took me forever just to get 2 of the girls (2 story lines past) and now during the current event when trying for Morgan, Miss Spook dropped instead. I'm glad I got miss Spook (finally!), but I'd rather have the event girl drop!

The Legendary event was a disappointment as the same villain could drop either the legendary girl or legendary affection gifts. Typically, other villains who do not have event girls drop the affection gifts instead - but not this event! No matter how hard I tried for the girls, all that dropped for me was the affection gifts. I can only wonder if the affection wasn't there as an option next to the girl, would the random number generator have dropped the girl for me instead?? I see SO many people my level (150) and lower with all 3 Legendary girls that it just rubs salt into the wounds.

….I just wonder what the heck is going on with the drop rates.