Name: Einherjar [EN]
ID: #3016
Language: English
Current member count: 1/20 (brand new)
Point of the club: Gathering a large group of active, dedicated players who will contribute to and reap the benefit of the new club features to the fullest. The new club system discourages players from investing into a club unless they're absolutely sure they'll stay within that club, because if they leave they will lose all the resources they had invested. Therefore I wanted to create a club that focused around having active members, so that people could invest in the club without fear of it dying (I'm personally very active, and there's very little chance of that changing any time soon). The idea isn't so much as to create a community, but rather to allow the more hardcore players to safely take advantage of the new system knowing that they're not rowing a sinking ship.
Restrictions: Be at least level 250. Requests only.
Expectations: Playing actively and eventually contributing to the club features (once they're sure they'll stay). If a member goes dark without notice for more than two weeks, they will get kicked. Social participation is not required, though it's obviously always welcome. Arguments and heated discussions can be had, provided they remain civil. Kicks will only occur from intentional, malicious harassment, or prolonged inactivity.