So now that the event is over i must say that i don't like it. I can see the apeal for girls you have unlimited time to get, but on the girls with a limit it is gonna hurt more. I did read the patch notes, and they did say that edwarda drops from 1-7 shards. Not ONCE did i get more than 3.

And this is the pain i get when it is one girls im chasing. How will it be on HH birthday. There you have the chance to get multiple girls from every boss.
Is the meta then to spam dark lord because he can drop the most amount of shards? Or will the event then end with "yay i got 10-40 shards on 7 different girls.

I want this to work because it might be apealing but so far it is more of a torture. I did not dare to spend my combatpoints unless i had 10+. Because it felt like i only got money after money and no shards if i did 5 in a row. And never saw a shard drop and if it did... 1.... This hurts more than exites me.

And to the val shao my bigest regret is not spamming the refresh the second to last day. See you in a year Val Shao