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  1. #1
    IronFist44 Guest

    Angry Agreed. This is trash.

    The odds are so bad. Yes, seeing any progress is nice, but if the odds are so awful, it's just super frustrating. I spend all of the event time trying to win the droppable event girls. With the days inbetween where I get to fight story girls, I barely get ANY shards. It's quite mocking. Like, you seriously think I'm going to play for a whole year to get the 30 shards I need to complete a girl from an annual event? Give me a break. There is a life to be lived, and this is a time pass. But with this kind of greedy system, it is very frustrating and makes me want to quit playing.

  2. #2
    At this point its better to play the game as a vn than an rpg with collectible characters as the bad systems before and now seem to always ask for 100% focus even if you get no reward and also like I posted before the new system causes you to loses rewards for affection when that was originally a background stat.

  3. #3
    Unregistered Guest

    Lightbulb second look

    Okay, so my first reaction to this update was really negative.

    After trying it a bit, the update is not quite as bad as I first thought.

    The chance to get all 100 shards to drop isn't completely horrible. But since it is still very very low, it would be nice if Kinkoid could just verify if they did or did not decrease the chance of the "full drop" of 100 shards compared to the prior chance of getting the girl/guy to drop. Knowing that Kinkoid did or did not nerf the full drop chance would put my mind at ease about the new update a lot.

    Also, it's nice that when you get the full drop of 100 shards, all of the shards you had earned for that guy/girl get converted into affection items, since buying affection items to upgrade your harem is prohibitively expensive and most of us are sitting on a harem full of un-upgraded haremettes. However, it is NOT nice that when you get a drop of 2, or 3, or 5 shards, it comes at the expense of not getting whatever cash you were going to earn from defeating that troll. When a troll has 3 guys/girls left to drop, I get shard drops at least 1 out of every 10 combativity. That is 10% LESS CASH that I am earning, that I used to earn because in the old system almost every troll fight resulted in a money drop and, rarely, you would get the full guy/girl to drop. The new system should be changed so that when shards drop, some money still drops at the same time. Yes, if you get lucky and get the 100 shard drop, the extra shards get converted into affection items...but I probably wanted to use the cash for stat upgrades or hentai scenes or just getting through the storyline, and the affection items sell for a fraction of their true cost. Like someone else said earlier, the shard drops could have been a stat kept in the background to guarantee that you wouldn't spend thousands of kobans and get nothing; instead, it is in the foreground, ruining the surprise of when a guy/girl is eventually going to drop, and replacing the cash we desperately need to drop as well.

    Overall, I like the idea behind the shard drops, and not being as "surprised" about which guy/girl is dropping and when they are dropping is definitely a sacrifice I am willing to make in order to have a more even playing experience when spending kobans. And the excess shards turning into affection items is a nice bonus that helps solve the problem of upgrading your harem being prohibitively expensive in terms of buying affection items. But I want verification that the update wasn't used as an opportunity to screw us by implementing even lower "full drop" chances, and I am running into serious cash flow issues due to frequent 1-3 shard drops that replace all the cash I needed to earn from trolls, so I would prefer if the shards dropped alongside the normal cash instead of replacing it.

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