NO fucking point at all. None, it's bullshit made by greed for greed. Get another paying customer. Cash cow gravvy train my investment has stopped. When has the patch changed? It hasn't been announced. So why have you sadists. Stopped me losing rank? Literally stuck in the same nightmare league, lowest level, full of much higher levels. Despite of not by buffing for even the minimum amount, because 2 weeks ago I had hit the same league Dicktator 1, deranked, leveled up again in Sexpert 3. Didn't try at all this time there is no point. Why didn't it repeat? Sure I leveled to 88 in the league. Because it gives exp I need for leveling higher so I fought every player with crap buffs or no buffs. Because there is no point. They are twice my level or higher with 3 times my basic attack and stats, without buffs. Why didn't I derank? Because I made this topic. While the system is rigged and exploited by assholes who couldn't design shit unless it's robbing somebody else. Fuck this shitty game.