I got her on my account on nutaku. A banner popped up, I clicked on it. I opened nutaku/hentaiclicker. That account was over 3000 so I played for a few minutes, and then I got a message that I got a girl in harem heroes. I think I was spending hearts in hentaiclicker when I got the message. I didn't have to reset or anything. When I swapped to the harem heroes page, there was another banner. When I clicked on it, the you got a 100 shards for a new girl screen popped.

I didn't get her on hentaiheroes. The banner popped up but I was on mobile, and hentaiclicker.com isn't supported on iOS. So, I went to the computer and played on hentaiclicker.com (the different game than nutaku) which was running in the background the whole time. I never got any more messages or banners to click on. I think that the girl is gone.