Hello everyone! The full release of 3m4 of Harem Remastered RPG is complete and ready to play!
Release 3m4 includes 20 scenes, including 12 redone and 8 brand new ones! These scenes are made up of 121 pages of script made up of 51 redone and 70 new as well as 156 images including 56 redone and an impressive 100 brand new images to enjoy!
These scenes include scenes for Angelica, Donna, Sarah and more! We also added several quests including a trip to the “Thunder Swamp,” as well as a few others, each with their own challenge to truly test your skills.
Next, we’ve added a recruit that you will be able to add to your team in a future chapter. Baylie can be found at the Eowen pub!
There are also many minor fixes and quality of life changes added to just make your whole experience with the game a bit better, including showing enemy health and their weaknesses! We want to thank everyone for their continued support and feedback. We hope to deliver a quality product that all our fans can enjoy!