What is your definition of "Vanilla"?

I confess I haven't really delved too much into it on the DMM version(Ironically, I rarely play H-games for the Hentai, it's usually far too "Vanilla" for my interests), but its mostly been the typical Japanese "Oh no! Stop!... Oh God, your chinko in my manko is actually amazing! More Please!" kind of stuff from what I've seen.

Aside from the Heroic Spirit avatar thing, I haven't really come across anything particularly kinky or fetish-ized so far. Not to say there isn't - you'd imagine with the conceptual perversion of so many deities and mythological creatures, there would be all manner of tentacles and other unsual sexy time fun - I just haven't come across it.

If you're talking about "Consent"... well.. let's just say I don't think the player character is a particularly wholesome individual.. No idea if the English localization will make changes/spin that or not.