Quote Originally Posted by LoEcchi View Post
so ill should keep rerolling then?

what should i aim for? 3 ssr?
Priority 1: 100% atk eidolons. That means Belial or Kirin, or if you're rolling to the end of the month, you'll probably see Frasenberg come into the mix, and you can probably take advantage of the increased drop rate (at least I believe they will) to snag one by reroll.

Priority 2: Core Kamihimes, and ideally matching elements to boot. That means your account probably satisfies this priority, since you have both Amaterasu and Sol, which form a pretty solid core for fire. If you're running for other elements, you can take a look out for Gaia and the upcoming SSR Cybele for wind, Cthulhu and (maybe?) Ryu-Oh, SSR Nike for water and so on. Do take your time to visit guides around this forum for advice, what I'm stating here is off my head without doing much research.

If you're satisfied with the Amaterasu + Sol account (I know I would), by all means you can start progressing into the game. Otherwise, it's pretty much reroll hell until you get something even better, but I wouldn't count on aiming for more than 3 SSR, the odds of getting that in 2 10-rolls is already astronomical, let alone getting good ones.