Quote Originally Posted by GravityVisitor View Post
Hey all, I'm new here, so I wasn't sure if I could just make a new topic about this, so I thought I'd just put it here.

Is an account with just 1 sol a good keep for rerolling?

I used to play Granblue Fantasy a while back, so I've experienced a lot of rerolling, and I learned to save accounts in case someone wanted them. If anyone wants to start a new account and not have to reroll, I saved up every one I saw that had a sol in it, so I can give it away if anyone wants it. Been aiming for Micha + 1 myself.

If anyone's interested in an account with a sol, I've got like 5 saved.
I've also got 3 Amon accounts and 1 Fenrir, but I wasn't sure that those were actually any good or not, just saved them anyway for posterity.
maybe some1 will want them, but generaly gettin one SSR KH that you desire is not difficult, its all about double/triple SSR... personally, was rerollin on and off for 3 days and so far got Sol+Ares, Micael+Sol and Ares+Gaia+2SSR weapons XD