Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
This is what I rerolled so far (yes the numbers are the account number) probably best one was the sol+shiva was going to stop there but wasnt satisfied probably will roll more until the 6k gem event is over... is there any recommendations on any of these rolls on what to keep or start off with?

6 = Amon
57 = 2x ssr summons
91 = Ifrit and amaterasu
112= Sol and ssr summon
152= amaterasu and titania
178= titania oroboros and raphael
240= Gaia and Acala
272= Raphael and Takemikazuchi
310= Posidon Ifrit and Evil Kaiser dragoon
318= Ares and Acala
325= Tyr and Thor
333= Sol
424= Shiva and Acala
462= posidon and amaterasu
472= Sol and Fafnir
477= Titania and Tyr
483= Michael and Satan
538= Sol
552= Sol oroboros
556= Shiva and hect
561= Thor and titania
571= Tyr and Thor
581= Michael and Fafnir
583= Susasnoo and Jaberwoki
601= Sol and hect
629= amaterasu and nova kaiser
636= posidon and huang
641= Amon and Jabberwok
655= Michael and Acala
666= Michael and Amon
760= posidon and Shiva
768= titania and Satan
798= Sol
841= Amon and Fafnir
842= Tyr and Titania
850= Shiva and Raphael
865= Satan and beheomth
868= titania and behemoth
906= titania and jabberwock
914= Susasnoo and Satan
947= Gaia and Jabberwock
977= Sol and Shiva
984= Susanoo Gaia and Hecatonchires
Holy shit, those are a lot of rolls. Guess it's safe to say 3 SSR rolls are really hard to come by then.