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  1. #9

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Ren View Post
    i got 3 SSR Kamihime Svarog, Aphrodite, Nike (unleashed) 1 SSR Eidolon Behemoth and 2 SR Nemesis, Brynhildr (sunlight) and what best Legendary Soul that suitable for my team
    well... thats great that u got behemoth, one of the best eidolons for beginners, cuz u wont have pure element team. But u need to get all elements teams, i wrote this above. This game is not about creating perfect team, u need countering all elements.
    But ur first element obviously should be water, remeber to farm water raids everyday, cuz they got daily limits (3 for creating, limitless for joining, but there too low chance get weapons when u join to raid, raid's creator and raid's mvp got better items), there weapons drop, remeber that u need assault type weapons first, u should wear 7-8 assault type weapons and 2-3 defenders, it's not rly great that u got 2 healers, but they ssr, so they would be anyway stronger than other damage Rs and SRs. It would be even better at beginnig.

    When choosing a hero spirit, you should follow this logic:
    Have u got healer? no - andromeda, yes - next ->
    Have u got lots of debuffs? no - mordered, yes - next ->
    What do u want - damage or surviveability? damage - arthur, defence - joan.

    That is all for beginners... If u want u can try d'artanian, it gives a little item drops increase. I play this game only 3 weeks, i began with d'art, and i pretty sure that it was wrong choice, i couldn't farm lots of ultimates on events.

    So most likely u need mordered, she impose lots of afflictions by using 1 skill, now im trying to get her, she make everything easier. I personaly recommend u get her, i tried her on second acc, she is incredible. After mordered u can try get everything what u want, it doesn't rly matter, depends on which ex skills do you need, d'art for snatch could be nice, joan arthur have nice buffs... nvm, don't think about this things now, just play, get all free souls get them lvl 20, and then got straight forward to mordered.
    Last edited by MrAir; 08-06-2017 at 08:25 AM.

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