Speaking of rerolls, is Anubis still on the menu as something you can attain? I've been rerollin every day or so for a week just to see if I can get one. I got like 3-4 belials, 1 rudra, 5-6 managarmrs. Maybe i'm just unlucky.
Speaking of rerolls, is Anubis still on the menu as something you can attain? I've been rerollin every day or so for a week just to see if I can get one. I got like 3-4 belials, 1 rudra, 5-6 managarmrs. Maybe i'm just unlucky.
Hell, the other elements got 120% eidolons that work like Mana and Anu but...
Still no 120% eidolons for light and dark on DMM...
Advice for a water team,
I've been playing for a good while now and currently have this as my spread for my water team
Soul(Either Herc or Jeanne), Chutulhu, Ryu-Oh, Ashera, Nike(Unleashed)
Holloween Osiris, Snow Raph.
Overall it's already pretty good, but are there any other water himes now or in the future that I should aim to get or is this grid good enough, and I should move on to develop another grid?
Just need some advice in general.
You'll be interested in Vohu Manah in ~2.5-3 months
I'm trying to develop my light team at the moment I'm basically running AW Sol, Michael, and a bunch of SR.
Question is, which SSR himes should I am to get in order to make my team stronger?
you should just buy my light account with 6 ssrs instead smh https://harem-battle.club/kamihime-p...veaways-5.html
selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.
has at least 1 SSR of each element.
rank 41 .
pm me teehee xox
Looking for a kinda good account? Send me a Private Message or meet me at Discord: L'aventale.-#4530
Kamihime ID: 2700172