holy shi--- new Diana is OP
[Mirrored Moon Ice Flower] Diana
1st Skill - All allies' HP Recovered (Upper Limit 1,500) / DEF Up (30%) (Large)
[CD: 6T, Duration: 3T]
2nd skill - Applies Vigor to all allies/ DMG Limit Up
[CD: 7T, Duration: 4T/1T]
3rd skill - Increases own Burst Gauge by 100% / All allies' Burst DMG Up (1 Time)
[CD: 7T]
Assist - Combo Rate up
selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.
has at least 1 SSR of each element.
rank 41 .
pm me teehee xox
While true, how exactly ARE you going to kill Tower 15F in a single burst? Without debuffs, what are you supposed to do? You might do it with Uriel, maybe. Outside of Uriel though, how? That's 8m damage that you need to do - or 16m if we consider -50% Def (just imagine no damage cap).
Can I do that with debuffs? Barely, and only on-element with Fenrir for burst memes. Light Nike allows you to do that damage in two turns.
Assuming you don't get butchered by the Trigger like I got butchered on-element, but that's me not using my -70% damage cut.
Rate up Thunder Aphro for Jewels already left after only a couple of days. Now the only thing you can pull with Jewels is Water gacha.
Might've been a mistake, but.
Last edited by Slashley; 12-31-2018 at 04:13 PM.
It should be noted that her vigor is a bit weaker than thunder aphro (1.253 vs 1.346) but lasts a bit longer (really useful in a really fast 4 turn burst team, where you can cover all your bursts with it). Also, her burst gives her +20 BG, combined with her combo passive makes a pretty incredible fast combo (abeited slightly awkward when combined with her 3rd skill).
ayyy my highest herc burst so far, and only 7 stacks of aethers burst thingy
selling brand new account with L/E SSR and full plus more fire team.
has at least 1 SSR of each element.
rank 41 .
pm me teehee xox
anyone else noticed the exp values in cave of gold ore and the other one that we get twice daily are changed?
now you get 520 from emerald, 600 from sapphire and 720 from dark carbuncles
i like it since i now get 5k+ steady instead of random 2-3k or 6-7k but the changes werent told so it came as a suprise
I'm still interested to find out if there's an easy way to get Holy Stones. They seem to be my biggest roadblock to limit breaking Himes. Is there any way to get them other than from daily quests? It seems the worst value for APs and I'd rather just do more Rag battles (different colors) or Event Quests than to waste them trying to get Holy Stones from just daily quests.