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Hybrid View

  1. #1
    Ty god ... now i have 3 dmg dealer with awaken

  2. #2
    So, Miracle Ticket is finally here. Prepare your wallets folks.

    ■A New Gacha Campaign is now available!■


    ◆10 Chain Gacha with Miracle Ticket

    【Sale Period (PST)】
     12/26 00:00 ~ 1/10 20:00

     5000 NutakuGold

     ・SRx1 weapon or Eidolon guaranteed 10 chain Gacha with Miracle Ticket x1

     ・Exchange availability information can be found in the in-game exchange.
     ・Miracle Tickets can be exchanged for a single Kamihime release Weapon of your choice. Eidolons cannot be exchanged.
     ・Trading for a Kamihime weapon of a Kamihime you already own, will only grant the weapon. Please be aware that this will not grant a Draconic Eye.
     ・Miracle Ticket must be used within 14 days of acquiring them. Please be aware that they will be unusable after their expiration date.
     ・Exclusive Kamihime and their Kamihime release weapons are not available for exchange.
     ・Kamihime and their Kamihime release weapons added beyond Dec. 26 2017 are not available for exchange.
    ※1 Limit: 1 per person.
    ※2 The Gacha can be reached via the Gacha button on your My Page.
    ※3 After purchase, exchange the Miracle Ticket through the Exchange via your 'My Page'

  3. #3
    Well shit, i thought i was going to get sol but theres a few more SSR's than i thought there would be.
    i tend to go wind with cu chulain and gaia and this is where most my weapons are invested(the offteam are cybelle and oberon for def debuffs. Other ssr are: (fire)ares (lightning) brahma, raiku. (light) raphael.

    what are the pro's thoughts? :P,

  4. #4
    hey guys, nice to meet you all. i've got a little problem which couldn't be solved via google. why it didnt let me draw my free daily gacha?

  5. #5
    you could have a full inventory and need to clear some space with enhance?
    free daily gacha is evil.

  6. #6
    but i have 49/50 in both weapons and eidolons. isnt that enough space?

  7. #7
    maybe, im just speculating, but if one is maxxed you probably cant draw either, since you get both

  8. #8
    Looking for some advice for what to grab with the Miracle Ticket.

    Currently my main team is Lightning with Cassiopeia, Halloween Michael, Brahma, Ramiel, Skuld, Perun, and Indra. I just got Verethragna and Cherubim, so I'm training those as well.
    My secondary team is Fire to cover Lightning's weakness with Roland (training), Ragaraja, Raguel, Brynhildr, Amon, Dazbog, and Zeruel. I also have Baphomet and Ignis.
    I just became able to use a tertiary team of Light, with Roland (training), Santa Satan, Artemis, Christmas Perun, Belobog, Dike, and Urania. I also have Inanna and Orpheus.

    I have D'artagnan as a Legendary Soul, but lack any SR or higher guns other than Brahma's so I can only use her effectively with Lighting, I think. But I've been using Cass for the healing. For SSR Eidolons I have Girimekhala, Archangel, Mii, Evil Kaiser Dragoon, Jack Frost, Hecatonchires, and Saint Nicholas.

    I was thinking I ought to grab Sol because she's one of the most recommended Kamihime ever, and my main Lightning team could really use a healer. She'd also be a second SSR for my new Light team, so there's a really good argument for her. I'm just wondering if that's what I should go with, or if I should grab another Lightning SSR like Tyr or something for my main team.
    Only started playing more commonly since November, so any other team advice would be appreciated too. Dunno if this is all okay to ask here, I just signed up.

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