Wind gets Seth in... a little over 3.5 months? She was released in the end of May on DMM. She is awesome.


So, I've been playing since the launch on Nutaku. Just tonight I noticed that certain R eidolons have a reduce damage from X element passive, going up to 20% at 4*. My mind is blown. Those passives are also worded differently from how Jack Frost's is, weirdly enough. Do they work differently, or is it a case of so much time having passed between the original set of eidolons and Jack Frost such that they forget how they phrased things for the same effect?

Incidentally, it ought to be possible to test if duplicating an eidolon's resistance passive stacks. If everything stacks, awakened Gaia's 40% damage cut + 20% thunder resist (packaged with the general purpose damage cut skill) + 4* R Gremlin (-20% damage from thunder) in your main slot + 4* R Gremlin in friend slot should reduce thunder damage to 0.
Not that I have Gaia, but hey, just putting it out there in case anybody else is curious and able to test it.