as i have no main team, i figured that the easier way to decide which kami to pick up with next miracle ticket (and the ones after it) is to plan future teams with the kamis i have and the ones i want.
i'm not familiar with the skills of all of them, especially the recent ones, so if there are better options let me know.

soul- ? ex ability- ?
Hastur- frame A def debuff and attack buff to all allies
Unleashed cybele- frame B attack and def debuff, avoid attck+self heal, wind attribute attack up
Seto- Frame C attack debuff, heal up to 1500 HP+cure debuff to allies
Awakened gaia- cut damage to all allies+thunder resist, cover for allies, regeneration
Kami i own: gaia
Kami i need: Hastur, unleashed cybele (not released yet), seto (not released yet)

soul: morgan (after august update) ex: black propaganda
Unleashed nike: Frame A def debuff, attack+def buff to all allies, heal up to 1800HP to allies
Water raphael: Frame B attack and defense debuff, reduce charging orb to enemy, cut damage
Cthulhu: Frame C def debuff, absorb charging orb, apply dizzy+self attack buff+attack debuff to enemy
Poseidon/Shiva- poseidon for survival with fire resist and attack debuff (frame A) while shiva for offense with high damage ability and her attack buff is different frame from nike, so they can stack.
Kami i have: poseidon, cthulhu, shiva
kami i need: unleashed nike, water raphael

soul: andromeda, ex: sniper shot
Awakened tyr- frame A def debuff, high damage to stunned enemy
Raiko- frame A attack debuff, cut damage and "enthusiasm"
Brahma- ability damage to multiple targets, increase combo rate, self heal+self defense up
Marduk- Frame C attack debuff+ allies attack buff, instant 100 burst gauge, give regeneration+barrier
kami i have: tyr, raiko, brahma
kami i need: marduk

soul- ? ex ability- ?
Awakened svarog: attack buff to allies+self burst gauge up, ability up, hit target 3 times
Awakened ares- self attack buff,fire attribute boost, ability damage to 7 random targets
Enma- frmae B debuffs+poison, scorched, combo rate down, fire attribute up to all allies, ability damage depends on enemy's debuff
Brynhildr- heal up to 1200 HP, attack buff to all allies+increase combo rate
*this is my current team and it's good enough for me, though i may change brynhildr/enma for uriel/mars etc

Awakened satan- frame A def debuff+ dark tolerance down, decrease charging orb
Awakened hades- frme A attack debuff, def buff to allies+abnormality block
Dark amaterasu- frame B attack and defense debuff, black propaganda-like effect
Thanatos- frame C defense debuff, ability damage+25% gauge up, combo rate up
kami i own: satan, hades and amaterasu
kami i need: thanatos

Awakened sol- frame C attack debuff+improve healling preformance, heal up to 1800HP+cure debuffs, ability damage+remove empowerment
Awakened michael- +20% burst gauge (can go well with shingen), light attribute attack up+dark tolerance up
Light tsukuyomi- blind, self dark tolernace up+light attribute attack up, decrease enemy's light tolerance
Rouge artemis- frame A def debuff, self light attack+ability+sneak up, attack random 8 targets
kami i have: sol, micheal
kami i need: light tsukuyomi, rouge artemis

so in general the kamis i need are: unleashed cybele, hastur, seto, unleashed nike, water raphael, marduk, thanatos, light tsukuyomi, rouge artemis
i'm not sure about souls to all teams, so i would like to hear your opinion about that too.
and if there are better SSR kamis out there that will fit the team better, please let me know