Quote Originally Posted by VeryVoodoo View Post
While I can't answer for soul wpns, as I've yet to try any, I can definitely confirm that burst builds with the shingen-ex setups are fun.

Works pretty well if you have himes that can cover most of your debuffs (as the burst build kinda restricts your soul from bringing any at all), or in cases like wind ragna where the debuffs aren't reliable to begin with.
I've tried Shingen+Micheal+Metatron when I was leveling her and it was pretty fun during burst hours. Makes me wish Micheal's awakening was earlier. Not sure how much changes with Shingen's weapons though.

Quote Originally Posted by blubbergott View Post
What about Morgan? Single target heal can help and rampage will add the all so necessary damage boost to a control light setup. Would need to sacrifice BP though probably. Otherwise, ye, Michael + Shingen will be fun.
Morgan I honestly feel falls low on the list. Maybe a with SSR Cybele and double/triple attack team but that'd probably be suited for a Shingen build too, which is probably stronger.