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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2017
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    I would say "farming" that isn't worth it either. Cuz if you did decide to do that, you'll end up missing out on a ton of events.
    Like lets say you decide to do that now, you would miss out on baron's stuff and 3k jewels lol
    And RNG might mess you up anyway on those "welcome back rewards"

    on another note.. does anyone know when hercules is getting buffed in our version?
    I really want to use her often, but I find that 1st skill where it removes all her buffs kinda stupid honestly (and all her skills have long CDs too)
    Last edited by BlazeAlter; 04-11-2018 at 09:11 AM.
    Kamihime Friend ID: 3409200

    If you're interested in adding me, here are my support eidolons: (Outdated, too lazy to update)

    I can also change Reiki to Jack Frost. I'll replace Yatagarasu and Ixion someday when a better event eidolon gets released.

    Unrelated to Kamihime:

    Also playing a bit of Fate/Grand Order on the side when I'm waiting for my AP/BP to regen over at Kamihime or when I'm already done with an ongoing event at Kamihime
    Friend ID: 045,022,168 (don't have much friends anyway lol, if you're interested you can add me and feel free to use my Blue Saber)
    My sub: 454,252,971 (might become my main account soon lol)

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