Quote Originally Posted by JStar View Post
Should I have made my own topic for this one?
Probably not, because Ult Thunder Disaster is a joke for some reason.

Ult Wind? Nearly immune to debuffs.
Ult Thunder? VULNERABLE to debuffs. Sniper Shot will never, ever miss. Paralyze just about always lands.
Ult Wind? The regular 10 base def.
Ult Thunder? Just 8 base def.
Ult Wind? 16m HP.
Ult Thunder? 15m HP. Factor in the increased damage it takes, and it's effectively 12m HP (assuming you don't hit damage caps).
Ult Wind? Will slaughter your team one by one with high base combo rate and increased combo+ attack.
Ult Thunder? Deals AoE damage which can just be outhealed.

Seriously, what the fuck. What. The. Fuck.
I guess it's because DMM got Ult Thunder first, so the devs entirely missed out on just how powerful players already were at that point in the game.