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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Rampage/Berserk disables skill and burst usage during the duration, but increases your damage output by x%. This is actual %, not something like Atk or Elem buffs which are diminished since you already have Assault and Elem modifiers.

    So, if you bring SR Beelz (2t duration, 50% boost, 8 turn CD) into an off-element team, for the first two turns they'll deal 4*1.5 damage = 6 Hime worth of damage. Over the long cooldown, you'll effectively do 36 Hime worth of damage, while bringing four on-element Hime deals 40 Hime worth of damage. This doesn't include Beelz's own damage output since... well... off-element. In other words, don't have a full team? Bring SR Beelz and you'll barely lose any damage output.

    SSR Beelz is on a completely different level, though. Her Berserk is FIVE turns long, 50% boost and just SIX turns CD. This means that even off-element, the boost of bringing SSR Beelz is... 34 Hime damage vs. 30 Hime damage. So even bringing her off-element is a DAMAGE GAIN. Imagine how good she'll be when put into a Fire team then, where SSR Beelz herself deals a ton of damage. Furthermore? She has +50% Elem buff for the entire team. Assuming you're running with 90% Elemental Eidolons (currently difficult) and elemental advantage, that's an insane 21% damage boost. Almost Belial level of damage boost (which is ~25%) from her SECONDARY skill alone, and then considering boosting THAT with the FUCKING BERSERK DAMAGE BUFF.

    So why is SSR Beelz not 100% bullshit OP? Her downside is... for five (5) turns, you can't use skills. That means no healing, no defensive shields, nothing. Also, you'll lose 10% of your HP every turn from Zeal which she also casts with her Berserk skill. You can offset this in raids with the pot, but FIVE turns is a long time - you'll eat at least one boss Overdrive. The upside is, five turns of Zeal means that you will ALWAYS full burst on the sixth turn. And as somebody who uses Raiko with three turns of Zeal, let me tell you: that is just OP as fuck.

    tl;dr; SSR Beelz is absolutely insane for raid content, but probably impossible to use in any other content. She can be a very good buffer even without using her Berserk in single player content, due to her absolutely insanely strong Elemental buff.
    Last edited by Slashley; 05-22-2018 at 02:07 AM.

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