Quote Originally Posted by Cobblemaniac View Post
Use the R eidolons as XP fodder. Outside of Vine (and maybe, but less so Anzu and Yamata no Orochi), all SR and below eidolons are safely fodder.
Speaking of this, with the Eidolon Orb store approaching, Yamata no Orochi is going to replace Vine for many due to her way higher stats at LMB (assuming that you've pulled even one Yamata). Although Vine has 100% hitrate with Mordred's debuff- and Yamata no Orochi can fail against Water and Thunder, it's probably still a better idea.

That said... we've entered the era of Hercules finally, she brings 25% Def Down in the same frame as Vine/Yamata do 10/12%. So all of that is a moot point, I guess.