Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
-- Unfortunately no great Eidolons but I do have Ifrit and Archangel.
Those are both Character Atk, so they're not very good once you get your Grids going.

Your Water team seems extremely Burst heavy, but without Herc or Cthulhu, you're not going to get to -50% Def. But if you want to use Herc, you'll need Snow Raphael for B debuff. Still, the team should work fairly well even as-is.
Quote Originally Posted by Saeleyna View Post
Dark I kinda want to make a comp around as I just recently picked up Thanatos on top of Amon (Unleashed), but not really sure what to pair them with (soul and other SR kami) - have Rangda, Hypnos, Lu Bu, Bastet, Pharol, Pale Rider, Eligos, Tsukuyomi, and Beelzebub. Also, only have 1 or 2 MBL dark weapons atm.....
With Thanatos and SSR Amon, your Dark team should be quite well off offensively. Beelz is always a welcome addition to the team. It would be nice to have some defensive tools, but both Hades and Pluto have already been released so... good luck with that, I guess.

As for saving Jewels, it doesn't seem like there's anything of particular interest for you in the near future except maybe Chemobog to further up the damage output of your Dark team. If you're interesting in having a look, the encyclopedia in Sanahtlig's toolbox gives you a quick peek on all the upcoming SSRs. It's not like you'll ever find what you're looking for with Jewels even if you save them up though, so eh